To obtain a position as a massage therapost in order to promote health and wellness to the public
Certifications and Licenses:
AMTA Insurande coverage #1235043
Missouri License Expires 2013
L.L.C. L.M.T.#200903239
High-Tech Institute-Anthem College
Kansas City Missouri
Massage Therapy Diploma Graduated 2009
Completed 120-hours in the HTI Student Massage Clinic
Preformed the following massages to clients from the community
!. Rejuvenating massage with essentials aroma therapy oils Lavender, Peppermints and Eucalyptus for the sinus.
2. Assisted with Good Sheppards employees training certification course for Geriatric massage patients.
Learned and practiced the following skills needed to run a successful massage business.
1. Company Vision ,2. Market Oppartunity,3. Requirements,4. Expenditures and Planning.
This year 7/25/2013 I had a Effective Treatment for the Sciatica Class and it has been great!